
One Month Advice

Yes, I am a very new mom and I know that I don't have all the answers. I also know that the things we (Jason and I) do and believe in definitely won't work or apply to everyone. However, I do think that we have learned a lot of valuable things that are worth sharing to other new moms/parents. These things make our lives pretty easy. I like to think that Avery is a really good baby- and hopefully we are contributing to that. One can argue nature vs nuture, but I think its a good mix of both =) Hopefully if you are are a new parent or soon-to-be one, this could help you...but if nothing else, by sharing, at least I will remember what worked and what didn't for our second!

Hospital Advice-

1. The Epidural was SO worth it (for me!!)- Labor is pretty bad, but it's also amazing and you really do forget all of the pain when you see your baby. I know a lot of people are for the natural method, but for me, the Epidural was SO worth it. In fact, so worth it that I got it twice =) I told Jason multiple times throughout those 20 hours...I just don't understand how people can do it naturally. Seriously, if you did, I am AMAZED by you. Also, there is medicine they can give you to help with the pain before you reach the point where you are allowed the epidural. They gave me ambien and morphine before I was dilated enough...so don't be afraid to ask for medicine if you want it!

2. We listened to the advice from a good friend, who had a baby three weeks before Avery came, to put the baby in the nursery at night during our stay in the hospital so we could sleep. It was hard to let her go there when she was so new to us, but we were so glad we did. They brought her in for feedings at night and although we still didn't sleep much there, we slept more than we would have and had a chance to relax some.

3. Stand up for yourself in labor and in the hospital- I really didn't love Northside (aka the baby factory). I felt that it truly was a factory. No one (with the exception of a few sweet nurses) really cared about you or what you were feeling. They seemed SO use to the routine that they just wanted to get through their shift. Don't be scared to always let them know what you need, or you could (and probably will) be overlooked.

4. The most painful part about labor...was right after the delivery ended -No one ever told me this, but this was truly the worst part for me. I am not sure if it was this bad for others. As they were washing and checking over the baby, the doctor started pushing as hard as she could on my stomach. Literally almost pushing it down to the bed/table. It was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. After I caught my breath, I asked the doctor what in the world she was doing. She said that she was "preventing clots and hemorrhaging" and that she had to do it three more times every 15 minutes. WHAT?!?! Thankfully I told her how incredibly much it hurt and she only did it two more times. I wish someone would have prepared me for that so I expected it and wasn't so confused.

5. Think twice about having a lot of visitors at the hospital- I was SO thankful and gracious that a lot of people wanted to come meet Avery in the hospital...but I did learn that it is best to wait and have visitors when you are all situated back at home. There is so much going on at the hospital, between the mom getting checked, taking medicine, feeding your baby, recovering, bonding with your baby, etc...and on top of that you are exhausted and really don't feel up to entertaining visitors! Also, mom and dad have just met baby too and are starting the bonding process. When visitors come you want to let them hold the baby, but at the same time, you just met your baby! It's a catch 22! I would advise letting family meet the baby once for a short amount of time and then waiting until you go home for any more visitors. The hospital should be a special time for you to bond with your baby...what is a few more days to wait until people meet baby?? I am definitely doing this for my second! If you do want visitors at the hospital, don't be afraid to set a time limit like 15 minutes and kindly ask people to leave if you need to. 1-2 hour stays at the hospital are very very stressful with everything going on =) I would say after the first week at home, have all the visitors you want!

Bringing Baby Home-

1. Accept help if offered when you come home from the hospital!!- Avery hardly ever made a sound in the hospital. We didn't think the child even knew how to cry...boy were we wrong. We got home from the hospital at 9pm on Sunday night feeling VERY tired and sleep deprived. Jason and I always told each other that we wanted to do the first night on our own with no help. Well we learned that that was easy to say when we didn't have a newborn and were feeling very rested!! I texted my mom so desperate at about 4am that night and she showed up early the next morning and stayed for the next two days. THANK THE LORD- we were able to experience what sleep was like again!! Of course, she started sleeping great when my mom came, but that first night was definitely a reality check :)

2. The "Woombie" has made our nights amazing- A coworker gave me our woombie at a shower at work...I had NO idea what this was. I really didn't think much about it until we tried it on Avery our second night. I really attribute a lot of Avery's amazing sleep habits to this incredible invention. It is basically a really tight swaddle sack with no arm holes and it zips up. It let's Avery still have her hands close to her face, but keeps them down and secure enough to prevent the startle reflex and wake her up. She can also move her feet as much as she wants which is great. Seriously, if you are about to have a newborn, you will not regret buying this. Here is a link to the one we have- http://www.woombie.com/the_deluxe_woombie.html

3. The iPhone/iPad app "Baby Connect" is a must- Seriously!! This app is SO amazing...I don't know what I would do without it. It is $4.99, but worth every penny and much more. It has saved Jason and I from so much stress and has helped keep us on the same page with everything Avery. The app is a comprehensive baby tracking application and it keeps track of everything like feeding times, amounts, diaper changes, bowel movements, sleep times, nursing/pump times, medicine, etc. It has growth trackers, notifications, reminder alarms, etc. You can export it via .csv and it even charts the information on graphs in the app so you can see summaries, averages and notice any irregularities. My favorite part is that you can sync it to other people's phones. Jason has it synced on his phone. He helps me input information and also loves seeing all of her updates throughout the day when he is at work. It is SO easy and SO helpful. When Avery is crying, I automatically check my app to see the last time she ate or when her last BM was :) Also, if you change or lose your phone, all of the information is saved online at www.babyconnect.com. This is definitely a must get!!

4. Newborns really CAN sleep through the night- Yes, our first night was terrible and we were exactly what everyone says...incredibly tired and sleep deprived. We were envisioning our future for the next year or so- and it was REALLY scary! I had never felt that tired and out of it...it was not a good feeling. But thankfully, that didn't last long. We have developed a super great schedule and for the last week or so (Avery is three weeks) she has slept through the night every single night!! Below is a record of how much she has slept the last 5 nights. How do we do it?? Well it starts throughout the day. We feed her what the pediatrician recommends, but at the lower end. We do not give her a ton, but we feed her often. Right now about 3oz every 2.5 hours. At about 6pm we try to keep her up as much as possible until bedtime. We have playtime from 6-8pm where she is usually wide awake and happy. At 8-8:30pm we start bath time...this always keeps her up and she is SO happy!! When we take her out of the bath around 9pm, she gets really cold and starts getting fussy. So we wrap her up, dim the lights, and have our snuggle and bottle time in her rocker. At this feeding, we give her just about as much as she will drink so she will stay as full as possible throughout the night. Usually this is around 4-5oz now. About half way through her bottle, we burp her, make sure her diaper is clean, then put her in her Woombie for the remainder of the feeding. For the second half of the bottle I sing to her and she usually ends up falling asleep. We ensure that she is in a DEEP sleep before we place her in her crib. Most of the time she doesn't move a muscle after she is placed in the crib, but sometime it will take her a second to get situated. And that's it!! Then we don't hear from her or see her again until 6-9am =) Again, I know this won't work for everyone but it works fabulously for us (so far!). I am prayingggg it continues!

5. Nursing/Breastfeeding is NOT for everyone (despite what SO many people might think)- All throughout my pregnancy and even now, I have found that people are SO opinionated on this concept. Quite frankly, I found it very annoying and pressuring. DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU...not your aunt, friend, random lady that talks to you at the mall, mom, etc!! Seriously- if you try to do something you do not want to do or something that just isn't working you will only be stressed out. And it will ruin your time with your new baby. Yes, maybe breastfeeding is better than formula...but not to the extent that it makes you miserable...or causes pain/sickness! Don't listen to people's opinions and whatever you choose, stand up for yourself and your choice! I chose to solely pump. The thought of nursing started to stress me out when I was pregnant and even more so when I tried in the hospital. I like pumping because if gives me flexibility (Jason can feed Avery, it only takes 15 minutes each time, we can bottle feed her with my milk when we are out, she is still getting all the nutrients from milk without me having her glued to my boobs, we know the exact amount she is eating etc)...I haven't felt like it has affected our bonding one bit! In fact, I joke that I would rather her stare at my eyes when I am feeding her than my boobs =) I also am not afraid to supplement with formula when needed (we did this in the hospital too). But again, all of this is just my choice...whatever your choice, as long as it is the best for you, then it is the best choice despite what people might say!

PS- If you do nurse/pump...be sure to get a handsfree nursing bra (http://www.apeainthepod.com/Product.asp?Product_Id=491300336&MasterCategory_Id=MC28)...they are attractive, I know... and some nursing pads =)

6. These are some baby items we couldn't live without- 
  • Wipe Warmer- A lot of people think this was a waste of money, but not for us. Avery LOVES her warm wipes. When they are cold, she gets mad. She probably gets this from her mom, but she just loves being warm! This makes changing her enjoyable...she never cries! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3557338
  • Snugabunny Bouncer- She naps in here where I can watch her, she loves the music on it and the vibration, and sometimes we even use this to rock her to sleep. It is easy to move and she naps fabulously in it! http://www.toysrus.com/buy/activity/baby-bouncers/fisher-price-bouncer-my-little-snug-a-bunny-v4650-4449502
  • Dr Brown's bottles- We are really really happy with these. I think they really minimize her spit ups...she does spit up, but usually only about once every few days. We also have a hard time getting her to burp...I think this is because the Dr. Browns help significantly to lower the bubbles and gas intake. http://www.drbrownsbaby.com/
  • The Woombie- See #2 above =) http://www.woombie.com
  • Wubanubs- If you have seen pictures of Avery, she most likely has one of these in her mouth or nearby. They are awesome. Due to the weight of the plush animals attached to them, these pacis stay in her mouth SO much better than others. It is also so cute to see her little hands wrapped around the animals. Love these! http://www.wubbanub.com/
  • Plain white Burp Cloths- These are SO necessary to have on hand. We go through a ton of these a day!
  • Snap 'n Go stroller- We have three strollers and this is my favorite. It is SO light and easy for me to take on errands and throw in and out of the car. Her carseat/infant carrier is so heavy for me so I always need this stroller anytime I go anywhere. Her jogging stroller is awesome for rougher terrains and walks and the travel system will be good for when she outgrows her infant carrier- but most of the time, the Snap n' Go is my stroller of choice! We found ours at a thrift store...I would look here first before buying full price! http://www.toysrus.com/buy/preemie-shop/preemie-car-seats/chicco-keyfit-caddy-infant-car-seat-carrier-stroller-06079062950070-11820851
7. It is SO important for Dad and Baby to bond in the beginning- I have LOVED watching Jason and Avery bond. Especially for the two weeks he was home on paternity leave. They have such a great relationship and he is so comfortable with her. I can only imagine how stressful it would have be if they didn't have that time together. I also love that he can help with EVERYTHING with her now and actually feels very comfortable doing it!

8. Take your baby outside sooner than later- I think it is an old-fashioned belief that you have to wait 2 weeks to take your baby anywhere. Yes, probably don't take then in high traffic and germy places, but walks outside and occasional lunch dates and errand running are awesome. For mom and baby!! It made me feel like a human again to get out with her! The pediatrician told us, right when we came home from the hospital, that we could start taking her anywhere. We went on walks every night for the first week and she loved this! She just stared at the sky and trees and then eventually fell asleep and slept great at night!

9. Diaper Bag essentials to NEVER leave home without- 
  • Bottle (or two) on hand (no matter when they last ate)
  • Changing pad (public changing stations are nasty)
  • Diapers and wipes (don't leave the house without making sure you are fully stocked)
  • Pacis (great to stop public fussiness!)
  • Plain white burp cloth (for burping and spit ups)
  • Extra onesie (for spit-ups & diaper messes)
  • Plastic grocery bag (for diaper changes when you have no trashcan)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Your phone/camera for pictures
  • Your wallet (the diaper bag quickly replaced my purse...yes even my favorite Louis Vuitton one!)
10. Remember to Eat- This one might seem self explanatory, but it is one I struggle with the most!! You will be SO busy and more concerned with your newborn's needs than yours...but you have to remember to eat! I didn't eat much for the first few days, so now I hardly get hungry and I have to remind myself to put some nourishment into my body...especially since I am pumping. I am glad I am still taking pre-natals, fish oil, calcium and folic acid...because I know that some days I do not eat enough! I find it is a struggle between remembering and trying to lose the baby weight. But it is important to eat even if you aren't hungry, not only because your baby needs the nourishment, but also so you will be happy and in a good mood to take care of your baby and for your spouse ;)

11. Babys "cry" without really crying! - Jason actually had to point this out to me. I have learned that Avery has "cry/scream", but she isn't really crying. She will sometimes let out a short scream/cry (I mean like 2 seconds) and then she is silent and happy. A lot of times she will do this pattern few times in a row. At first I thought she was mad/sad and about to break down crying...but Jason made me stop and watch her a few times and he was right- she was totally happy and just doing it merely to do it. I think it is to release some energy. Now I just let her continue on with these and wait to see if they turn into a full blown and continuous cry before I jump to the conclusion that something is wrong! Here is an example of Avery's below-

12. Take lots and lots of pictures- Being a photographer, of course I think this is important!! They seriously change SO much in the beginning everyday. I love capturing how sweet she is and how much she changes everyday. I do have to remind myself though to enjoy the moment and put down the camera sometimes =)


Avery Monthly Update - 3 Weeks Old

3 weeks?? Where is time going?! 1 month is right around the corner! We are on a really good schedule now and life is so much more relaxed and easy! I will even venture to say that it is starting to feel "normal" =) I am starting to feel back to my old self with full nights of sleep and the baby weight continuing to come off. So far I have lost 20 lbs as of this morning. I have another 10-15 to go which I am hoping will continue to come off even more so when I can start exercising! We are very much enjoying life as a family of three and look forward to the adventures that every new day now brings!

Dear Avey,

Why do you have to grow so fast?! I know you are only three weeks old, but to me you seem so much older! Maybe it is because you are SUCH a good baby. You have been sleeping through the night (8-9 hours each night), I have never heard you cry for more than a minute or two (and this is usually always because Mommy and Daddy are a little late in making your bottle) and you are just SO happy. I am amazed at how much you can already entertain yourself and be happy. You love laying on your play mat and even just hanging out in your bouncer. We have been getting out of the house a lot...I try to set up lunches or playdates at least once a day and we get a lot of errands run for us and for Daddy. Both mine and your favorite time of the day is in the morning and evenings. Your Daddy and I love waking you up and cuddling with you when you are all sleepy! He has a hard time getting motivation to get ready for work =) We also love bathtime...but probably not as much as you! You could sit in that tub forever just soaking up that warm water! We always feel bad taking you out because you are so happy in there =) You are getting more and more smiley by the day...your smiles melt my heart every single time. I just love seeing you happy. You are still tiny and in your newborn size clothes. I can't wait for you to start fitting into all of your 0-3 month really cute outfits...soon enough! You LOVE your wubanubb pacifiers, but most of all you love having your hands up by your face. That is so comforting to you, not only when you are sleeping, but also when you are awake and just hanging out. It is the cutest thing ever! It reminds me of your ultrasounds when we couldn't get great pictures of your profile because your little hands were always covering your face! I don't want that to stop =) Daddy went back to work last week, so we miss him during the day, but our days go by so fast and we are so happy when he comes home to play with you! You still get hiccups ALL the time (just like when you were inside me)...in fact you have them right now as I am typing this (see the first video below)! I am not sure how much weight you have gained, but we will find out at the doctor for your one month appointment...ONE MONTH! Wow!! The nicknames that you have accumulated from your Daddy and me so far are- Avey, Avey Rae, Rae Rae, Aveybug and Avo (that's your Dad's)! 

Your Dad and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary this past Sunday. It seems crazy that we have only been married a year and already have you, but we wouldn't want it any other way! You are the light of our life and we don't know how we ever lived without you!


Here are two videos from this past week from you and me hanging out! 

Here are a few extra pictures that I have snapped of you on my phone during your third week of life! 


Avery's First Weekend at the Lake!

My parents (Avery's Lovey and Pèpè) have been working very hard at the Red Roof Lodge to make sure everything was ready for Avery's arrival! They knocked down walls, made a 5th bedroom, set up a nursery (complete with many bouncers and toys), and even fully stocked up in diapers and wipes =) We were all very excited to take her up there so we decided to make the trip up to Hartwell this past weekend! Avery was just over 2 weeks old. We had a great time showing her the lakehouse and the lake itself where we know many amazing memories with her are soon to be made! Here are a few pictures from our weekend!

Hanging out on the dock!

Avery with her Lovey and Pèpè

Avery and Lovey!

Our family in front of the lakehouse after Avery's fun first weekend at the lake!

Hanging out on the dock!

A picture of our new family of three taken on 4.21.2013 (our 1st anniversary) with the sign we had made for our wedding!


Avery Monthly Update - 2 Weeks Old

Out little Aveybug is already 2 weeks old! Boy time is flying...it seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. She is changing so much week by week right now. I want to document her first 4 weeks individually before I move to monthly updates since she is changing SO much already since her birthday. At her checkup on Monday (1 week and 4 days) she was back above her birth weight at 7lbs 6oz!

Dear Avey,

I know I am biased, but you are one of the sweetest and cutest babies I've ever met. You hardly cry, except to let us know you are hungry.  I love your awake time because you are so happy as long as you have a full belly! You love to be held, cuddled and played with. You already have SO much curiosity- you can stare at things forever...whether it is someone's face, the trees and sky on our walks, or even the lights on the ceiling! You love getting kisses from Mommy and Daddy- your faces after each one are priceless. The multiple faces you make throughout the day are to die for. You have so many and they are all so cute! Sometimes we joke that we could just eat you up =) You have your mad/sad face when you are hungry, your confused face, your happy and smiley face and your tired one when you can hardly keep your eyes open as much as you would like to! We could stare at you all day...well I pretty much do right now =) You have slept SO well for us lately! You sleep for about 5-6 hours every night until we wake you up to feed you, then you give us another 4 hours or so (thank goodness for your Woombie)! Your Dad is also getting very good the whole bedtime routine...he can get you to sleep way faster than I can! Your first trip to The Red Roof Lodge (our lakehouse) is this weekend. I can't wait for all of the memories to be made here with you!

I didn't know it was possible, but we love you more and more each day Avery Reagan! Keep on growing..but not too fast, please! We feel so blessed and are so thankful that we get to be your Mommy and Daddy!


Here is a cute video from this week when your dad was feeding you! You were SO cute with your little arms outstretched the whole time =)

Here are a few pictures that I took of you on my phone from your second week of life!


Avery Reagan's Newborn Pictures

Life has been amazing, but a little hectic, since bringing Avery home from the hospital! It has consisted of a lot of of visitors, cleaning and adjusting to a new little schedule. Things have finally settled down and we were able to fit in Avery's newborn shoot this past Saturday morning. She was exactly 1 week and 2 days old. Thank you so much to my sister, Molly, who was a great help during the session. She was so patient and took all of my instructions on the exact shots I wanted =) I am so happy with how they came out and so glad that we took the time to do them! Here are some of my favorites (the rest can be found in my Facebook album).


Pregnancy Belly Pictures- The Collage

It's finally finished!! I saw a similar collage idea on Pinterest and was determined make one and keep up with it throughout my pregnancy- not only for me, but also for Avery. I am SO glad I did because I already love looking back and seeing the progression of Avery's growth...and of course the end result! Enjoy =)


Avery Monthly Update - 1 Week Old

How has one week already flown by since Avery arrived last Thursday morning?! We have LOVED having her at home and watching her change so much already! 

Dear Avey,

You have quite the little personality =) You already smile a lot (we are obsessed with your dimples), love looking at people's faces and your surroundings, and you are the best eater. Sometimes I think you would eat all day if you could...You have slept pretty well every night, except for the one we brought you home. That was a rough one! The next two nights your grandmother, Lovey (my mom) stayed with us to help us get some sleep! Thank the Lord for grandmothers :) Sometimes you love to sleep and will be out for hours and hours, but others you just want to stay awake in all the action just watching. You love laying on Daddy's chest and falling asleep in his arms. You love hearing my voice and when I sing to you. I could just stare at you for hours. 

Happy One Week, my precious baby girl. Your Daddy and I love you so so much! Although I wish you could stay a baby forever, we are so excited to watch and help you grow. We love you bunches =)


Here is a cute video of your first week at home-

Here are some pictures I took on my phone from your first week of life!


Avery's Birth Story

Avery's birth story actually started a week before she was born on Friday, March 29th- my due date. On my due date, my dad went in for an EKG because he felt a few chest pains. He had quadruple bypass surgery my senior year of college, so naturally, we were all a little worried. It turned out that he needed to have an immediate procedure that following Tuesday morning to identify what the problem was in his heart. I spent all day with my mom at Gwinnett Medical Center during the procedure on Tuesday, waiting to find out the next steps. It was pretty scary when they came back after the procedure and told us that it was bad- and that they didn't know what to do. The doctor then came back in 30 minutes later and told us there was another procedure they were going to try the next day (placing three stents using an impella device) to fix the blockage they found in one of his main arteries that the bypass wasn't able to correct. They told us it was extremely high risk, but it was our only option. There was even a chance that he could have a heart attack during it. Wow- I couldn't believe that all of this was happening...my whole family was very distraught and worried. I didn't sleep AT ALL that night and went back to the hospital at 6am on Wednesday morning before the next procedure. Jason took the day off work to be with us all at the hospital. We spent all morning praying and waiting until they were done with the procedure around 11am. THANKFULLY, it went way better then even the doctors thought. It was extremely successful and he was going to be released from the hospital the next morning (Thursday)- he could even walk out of the hospital and they expected almost no recovery time! Thank the LORD!! 

Well I was beyond exhausted- both physically and emotionally at this point. So Jason and I left the hospital around noon and went home to sleep. I laid down, having never been that tired in my life, and right away my water broke! I was in shock and disbelief. Was this really happening right now? How could I make it through labor? Wait, are we about to meet our little girl?!?! So we called my doctor and they told me to head to the hospital. I asked if I could shower because I hadn't since Tuesday morning, but they said no. I felt so nasty and did not want to start labor on that note, so I quickly showered before heading out =) We drove to the hospital and checked in at 3pm. This is when the adrenaline kicked in...and thank the Lord it did!! As much as we wanted to call our parents and tell them I was in labor, I couldn't bring myself to do it. My dad was just recovering from his heart procedure and my mom was by his side in the hospital and staying overnight. I didn't want to add the anxiousness/excitement to my dad's recovery and I didn't want my mom to feel like she needed to come be at the hospital- I wanted her to stay with my dad. So we decided to go into this ourselves and we didn't tell a soul until much much later...

My contractions hadn't started by 7pm and I wasn't dilated at all so they gave me some medicine to jump start them and expecting to give me some Pitocin a few hours later. That wasn't working very well so the medicine attempts stopped, but my contractions started around 7:45pm and never stopped...I explained to my doctor how I was running on 0 hours of sleep since Monday so she was a little concerned about me having enough energy to make it through labor. I labored through the contractions for about 2 hours until 10pm when they REALLY picked up and I asked for pain medicine. I was about 1cm dilated and had to wait until 4cm for the epidural, so they gave me morphine and an ambien to help me "sleep" until I made it to the epidural. From about 10pm to 12am I attempted to sleep in between each contraction- needless to say this wasn't very effective. The contractions were extremely intense and the intervals really picked up around 11pm. 

Finally at 12am, I was 3cm and begged for the epidural. Thankfully they agreed, and it was heavenly...at first. I couldn't feel my legs and everything was numb. It was great. The contractions totally went away for about 30 minutes- then I started feeling the contractions in my back. They hurt pretty bad, but no where close to what they were like in my stomach before the epidural. At some point, Jason said I actually fell asleep during the contractions for about thirty minutes. Jason said he got about 10 minutes of sleep during that time and that was it for the whole 20 hour labor process :( 

After this brief period of sleep, contractions continued and it was now it was around 3am and my back pain got A LOT worse...and I started feeling contractions in my stomach again. At 5am, I was about 8cm dilated. I was in so much pain again that I begged for another epidural. The epidural, a TON of ice, and Jason's constant support and encouragement was the only thing getting me through the contractions. The doctor agreed to give me another epidural as she told me the needle either fell out or moved. So in came the anesthesiologist around 5:30am with my second epidural. I didn't feel this one AT all- the needle or anything. About 15 minutes later, the contractions "went away" and I felt great again. At about 6:30am, I was 9cm dilated and the doctor told me we could potentially start pushing as soon as 30 minutes to an hour...so we decided it was time to call our parents. Thankfully my dad was being discharged! I asked him, "How do you feel about coming straight to another hospital?? =)" They were of course extremely excited and said they were heading over. 

The doctors were apparently wrong about me being able to start pushing so soon. I was able to fall asleep from 8am-9am...and when I woke up, I was 10cm dilated!! Around 9:30am I started to push! The pushing was not bad at all to me...maybe because of the second epidural. I had so much energy and excitement that I made it through the pushing smooth sailing (even cracking a few jokes!) =) After 20 hours of labor, our little precious Avery arrived at 11:06am!! She was 7lbs 2oz, 20 inches long...and just perfect. 

God's perfect timing continuously amazes me. The week before I was SO impatient for her to come, but I am so thankful she waited until after my dad's heart procedures when we knew everything was okay and that he was now healthy again. I couldn't even imagine if my water had broken the previous day at 3pm when we were so uncertain and upset waiting at the hospital with him. I definitely would not have had the strength to make it through labor. THANK THE LORD everything worked out as it did, in HIS perfect timing. My dad was the first one to hold Avery after Jason and I =)

We are so blessed and love this little angel so much.