
Avery Monthly Update - 3 Weeks Old

3 weeks?? Where is time going?! 1 month is right around the corner! We are on a really good schedule now and life is so much more relaxed and easy! I will even venture to say that it is starting to feel "normal" =) I am starting to feel back to my old self with full nights of sleep and the baby weight continuing to come off. So far I have lost 20 lbs as of this morning. I have another 10-15 to go which I am hoping will continue to come off even more so when I can start exercising! We are very much enjoying life as a family of three and look forward to the adventures that every new day now brings!

Dear Avey,

Why do you have to grow so fast?! I know you are only three weeks old, but to me you seem so much older! Maybe it is because you are SUCH a good baby. You have been sleeping through the night (8-9 hours each night), I have never heard you cry for more than a minute or two (and this is usually always because Mommy and Daddy are a little late in making your bottle) and you are just SO happy. I am amazed at how much you can already entertain yourself and be happy. You love laying on your play mat and even just hanging out in your bouncer. We have been getting out of the house a lot...I try to set up lunches or playdates at least once a day and we get a lot of errands run for us and for Daddy. Both mine and your favorite time of the day is in the morning and evenings. Your Daddy and I love waking you up and cuddling with you when you are all sleepy! He has a hard time getting motivation to get ready for work =) We also love bathtime...but probably not as much as you! You could sit in that tub forever just soaking up that warm water! We always feel bad taking you out because you are so happy in there =) You are getting more and more smiley by the day...your smiles melt my heart every single time. I just love seeing you happy. You are still tiny and in your newborn size clothes. I can't wait for you to start fitting into all of your 0-3 month really cute outfits...soon enough! You LOVE your wubanubb pacifiers, but most of all you love having your hands up by your face. That is so comforting to you, not only when you are sleeping, but also when you are awake and just hanging out. It is the cutest thing ever! It reminds me of your ultrasounds when we couldn't get great pictures of your profile because your little hands were always covering your face! I don't want that to stop =) Daddy went back to work last week, so we miss him during the day, but our days go by so fast and we are so happy when he comes home to play with you! You still get hiccups ALL the time (just like when you were inside me)...in fact you have them right now as I am typing this (see the first video below)! I am not sure how much weight you have gained, but we will find out at the doctor for your one month appointment...ONE MONTH! Wow!! The nicknames that you have accumulated from your Daddy and me so far are- Avey, Avey Rae, Rae Rae, Aveybug and Avo (that's your Dad's)! 

Your Dad and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary this past Sunday. It seems crazy that we have only been married a year and already have you, but we wouldn't want it any other way! You are the light of our life and we don't know how we ever lived without you!


Here are two videos from this past week from you and me hanging out! 

Here are a few extra pictures that I have snapped of you on my phone during your third week of life! 

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